Credit cards represent a great temptation during the holidays with so many appealing bargains surrounding you online and offline. It can become a challenge to avoid using them especially that you can easily promise yourself to pay off the debt within two, maximum three months. Unfortunately many people can’t avoid the pitfall of using their credit cards during the holiday season and are still paying for the so called deals six or eight months later. In the end, credit card interest makes bargains at least 20% more expensive than you initially thought.
It seems that the holiday hangover creates a debt pattern that people tend to repeat year after year. Buying holiday gifts using credit cards makes no sense as it only leads to overspending, increased debt, and impulse spending. The only way to avoid this well too familiar scenario is to avoid using credit cards during the holidays at all costs. Here are some tips that you may find helpful to avoid using credit cards:
- Set A Holiday Gift Shopping Fund. It is a smart decision to contribute to a holiday shopping fund throughout the year. The effort will not feel as overwhelming on your finances as you will be saving small amounts of money. Plus, if you have this fund to spend during the holidays, you will not be tempted to use your credit cards anymore. It is the safest and smartest way to avoid the temptation and pitfall of using credit cards during the holiday season.
- Make A Gift Shopping List and Stick To It. It is safer to make lists with realistic gifts that you can truly afford to buy for your family and friends. No matter how much you would like to bring joy and happiness to your dear ones, remember that they wouldn’t want you to get into debt for a gift. This resolution works well when you have already set some money aside throughout the year and you can pay cash for the gifts you are planning to buy.
- When and Where to Shop. It is important to get the best deals on the gifts you want for the special people in your life. However, waiting until the last day may not bring you the deal you’ve been waiting for or your selection may be limited. So make sure you find balance between what you buy and where and when you buy it. When you are in a rush trying to find the best deal in the last minute you may be tempted to overspend or pay too much for an item. Credit cards are always the easy way out in such situations.
- Make A Complete List for Holiday Shopping. Many times, the holiday shopping list tends to include only gifts for families and friends, when it should really include the money to be spent on postage, Christmas cards, Christmas dinner, holiday entertainment, food, parties, decorations, drinks, or gifts for teachers, babysitters, and more. When you suddenly find that your budget does not fit your actual shopping list, you may be persuaded to use your credit cards.
If you find yourself in need of a bad credit loan this holiday season, contact Fast Access Finance. We can have your personal loan, car title loan, or home equity loan deposited into your account quickly and easily.