Thinking about renovating this summer to maximize entertainment value? You’re not the only one. Late spring inspires homeowners to begin major renovation projects to their city or country homes. What do you need to know before you get started? Safety is your number one priority. If you’re not abiding by laws/codes for al outdoor renovations you could end up spending more than you bargained for by incurring fines, having to tear down structures and rebuild, or damaging existing wires/cables. Here’s what you should know before you embark on your dream renovations.
If you’re planning to build a new balcony, deck, swimming pool or other permanent structure on your property, look for electricity infrastructure that may be close by and plan accordingly. Electricity infrastructure can include overhead or underground wires and pad mount transformers.
All power lines have setback restrictions that identify how closely you can safely build near them. Not following these restrictions can result in danger to you, your contractor or power line workers in the future. You can find the specific requirements for setbacks and minimum clearances for building near power lines in safety regulations like the Ontario Electrical Safety Code, the Ontario Building Code and Hydro One Distribution Standards.
When submitting a building plan to your local municipality for approval, be sure to include the locations of overhead power lines on or close to your property; any buildings, overhangs, swimming pools, antennas, flag poles or any other permanent above-ground structures in proximity to power lines; and any padmount transformers or underground cables.
Remember to always call Ontario One Call at 1-800-400-2255 before you dig. Find more information on building near power lines at
Waiting for the right time financially to start your renovations? We can help! Visit to borrow between $500-$10,000 for all your summer entertainment needs. We offer affordable flexible payment plans, and you’ll get the cash you need within 24 hours of your approval. What are you waiting for?