If you need fast cash but you don’t have good enough credit to borrow from a bank, consider looking into car title loans online. Car title loans allow the borrower to use their car title as collateral. These loans are typically short term and only require the borrower to turn over a hard copy of their car title to the lender in exchange for the loan amount. With the rise of online borrowing systems, such as Fast Access car title loans, this process is even easier and you get to keep your car instead of allowing the lender to place a lien on the vehicle. At Fast Access, your car stays in your garage, you get your money in 24 hours or less, and there are no hidden fees.
To get in on car title loans online, your car’s value is assessed, and there is a limit to how much you can get based on that value. Most car title loaners give borrowers only small percentages of their car’s value. Many car title loan offices don’t lend out more than only a few thousand to borrowers because they consider the loan too costly or risky. Your best bet if you want to take a fair loan amount out based on the value of your car is to find an office that gives you 50% of your car’s value in the form of a loan. Many car title loans online companies only give borrowers 30% or less of their car’s value. Fast Access gives you up to 50% of your car’s value, or up to $10,000. If your car is worth $20,000, Fast Access will give you the full $10,000 loan based on half of your car’s value. While many loaners will stop short of this mark, take your car and charge you huge interest rates, Fast Access Finance helps people out of jams by giving them a fair loan amount based on their collateral.
Typically, the car title loan application process is time consuming and tedious. With most companies, the value of the vehicle needs to be determined with an inspection, and the borrower needs to fill out an extensive history report on their vehicle that details how many miles the car has on its odometer, how much work has been invested into it, and other factors. After the value of the car is established, most companies will still only loan a small percentage of its value to the borrower. The car is then placed under a lien, and must be delivered to the loaner until the debt is repaid. Fast Access Finance lets you keep your car during the duration of the loan, as long as all payments are on time with the appropriate interest. For all loan or finance companies offering car title loans online, you must have full ownership of the car, which means no more lease payments due, and you must have valid proof of insurance for the car. Fast Access Finance does not require you to prove your income, only that you have a valid checking account. Other companies put you through reference checks and employment checkups. We avoid those steps to get you your loan as quickly as possible.
At Fast Access Finance, you’ll find the easiest and fairest car title loans online or anywhere else. With our quick response time and easy to use online applications, you will get your much-needed cash quickly with no fuss. If you live in Ontario, go to the Fast Access Finance website to fill out a car title loan application and get your money within 24 hours.